Minggu, 31 Agustus 2008

Keep Getting Better. Well it’s seem every day I must stay on focus, and make daily report. For the conclution and repair what’s go right and what go wrong.
Target, in the next tree month US$ 1100/month.
Retire young retire rich at februari 2nd 2008. get absolute financial freedoom.
Well today I’ve visit tree site that count www.clickbank.com , www.squidoo.com www.bisnis2121.com dan www.sitesell.com .
www.clickbank.com is the place where you con join as the affiliate marketing. You ca learn at any place in the stite
ww.squidoo.com is the place where you can join in and create you’re online and make money.
SBI is site build it. Where you can make money in the web buy joint their program.

Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008

I like Monday

I like Monday
Kembali kerja di hari senin setelah kemaren sabtu ama minggu libur. Tapi kemaren ga libur juga seharian sabtu am minggu ngantarin istri ikut acara pesta rakyat Simpedes.
Dengan targetku untuk absolute financial fredoom 2014. sudah aku targetkan sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu, sejak 2003. Semenjak aku baca buku Robert T Kiyosaki Retire Young Retire Rich. Aku menargetkan untuk pensiun muda dan kaya di tahun 2014.
Sejak saat itu aku berusaha dengan merubah jalan hidupku dan kerjaku. Dimana aku saat itu bekerja di kontraktor saat itu aku berpikir jika aku masih kerja kayak gini maka akan susah untuk aku bebas finansial dimana aku hanya melayani sedikitsalah orang . katanya kalau kita kaya kita harus melayani sebanyak mungkin orang.
Trus aku pindah ke bagian penjualan, hasilnya amburadul dimana aku yang ga ad dasar jualan sama sekali dan disuruh jualan , saat itu aku jadi agen properti karena hanya itulah yang menerima aku kerja di Pekanbaru. Disana benar benar keras deh dimana aku merupakan sales terburuk yang pernah ada dimana aku tidak ada melakukan penjualan ada sampai tiga bulan bahkan ada yang lebih. Parah sekali.
Di saat itu aku mulai berumah tangga dan tanggungjawabku semakin besar dimana dengan kondisi seperti itu aku tidak ada melakukan penjualan, tidak ada penghasilan.
Dan selanjutnya aku berusaha mencari pekerjaan dengan penghasilan tetap. Sambil berusaha mencari bisnis sampingan.
Dan sekarang aku bekerja di salah satu bank swasta di Pekanbaru, tapi still masalahnya tetap penghasilanku masih lebih kecil dari pengeluaranku. And now I still struggling. Dan Karena itulah saat ini aku mulai merintis bisnis di internet, ada tampak jalan tapi masih ada halangan. Masalah adalah penghalang kita untuk sukses

Senin, 28 Juli 2008

Internet Newbie

Been new to internet? nowadays the internet give you a plenty of choice. It can be turn into bad or god. The internet had double side like a coin, had god side and bad side. There are white world and the dark world. Like a world where we live. In internet there are a borderless country every one had their own place, they where bordering by domain hosting.
Want to make money on the internet?, such a nice thing to do. People meet in the internet witch many purpose. They just want to know about the new info about book, music, entertainment, business, lifestyle, they want to buy or sell, etc. there are the field for you to make money.
So before you want to make money on the internet you need to know how.
Set what is your goal, make your dream come true. This site is for the newbie (internet beginner). So by reading through this you had basic information about internet.
Before jump into the internet business you need to know about the knowledge know how. The basically knowledge are need to develop your skill. There are a few field of the internet. Set your goal and destination.
Set a goal? Like I want to make money $1000/month by internet, maybe you can do it by google adsense, be freelance copywriting, build a website, sell buy domain?, or be affiliate?, selling someone else property, selling buying something.
It can’t be overnight come true, you need to learn, sacrifice, struggling, hardworking, and keep practice. Practice make perfect right?, and then you can be en expert so it’s time for you to share your knowledge to the others. Well done.